JCSM Shareware Collection 1993 November
JCSM Shareware Collection - 1993-11.iso
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Text File
127 lines
Welcome to the JCS Marketing, Inc. JCSM Shareware Collection, Retail version,
November 1993 issue.
If you wish, the extract program may be run directly from the CD-ROM
drive, or an install procedure is available to install the extract
program, and its support files, directly to one of your hard drives.
Note that a little over 1.8mb will be required, and a sub-directory, \JCSM,
will be created. (The 3.1mb will be well spent because of the MAJOR
increase in performance).
To run directly from the CD-ROM Drive:
- Make the CD-ROM drive the current drive.
- Type JCSM
- Follow the prompts....
To Install in a hard drive:
- Insert the CDROM in the drive and make the drive current. (You
are already good at this, or you would not be reading this file!).
- Decide which hard drive you can spare over 3.1mb for the lookup
directories, and the program.
- Type INSTALL X Y, where.....
X is the hard drive where the lookup directories will be.
Y is your CD-ROM drive
NOTE: Don't use the normal ':' after the drive letters.
Example: "INSTALL C F", will install the software in the "C"
drive, \JCSM9311 directory, which will be created,
and the 'F' drive will contain the CDROM data.
- To execute the program, make the 'X' drive (from above) current,
cd \JCSM9311, execute JCSM, and follow the prompts.
The following files in the main directory of this CD-ROM may be printed if
you desire:
ALPHA.TXT is a program list by program name.
CLASS.TXT is a program list by classification.
CLASSDIR.TXT is a directory list by classification.
NEWFEATS.TXT is a listing of new features implemented with this
In most cases, things should progress normally. If they seem to
be going wrong:
- Within the JCSM program:
- If you can extract using the CD-ROM without installing, but not
after installing, try the install again, being sure to not include the
":" after the drive letters ("C", not "C:" (no qoutes either)).
- If you cannot extract a program (the extract process takes a short
while (maybe 10-60 seconds) at which time the screen should be
black/white), try increasing FILES=nnn in the CONFIG.SYS. The required
number varies, but seems to be about 20.
- If the new "FILTER" feature is used, programs may seem to "disappear"
and not be available for extraction. (For example, if an "N" filter,
is selected, and an original program is sought, it will not seem to
be available. If the "A" filter is selected, it will reappear.
- If none of the above helps, contact JCS Marketing at (612) 469-5898
between the hours of 8AM-9PM CT, Monday-Friday, or most Weekends, or call
anytime and leave a message which we will return as soon as possible.
When calling, be sure to use a touch tone phone. You also may FAX us
anytime at the same number.
- If it is not a critical problem, write us at:
JCS Marketing, Inc.
Post Office Box 1216
Lakeville, MN 55044
- If the problem seems to be in the Author's materials, either contact
the Author, at his contact numbers, or again call JCS Marketing, Inc.,
at the above numbers, and address.
Enjoy the Shareware contained on the CD-ROM. Remember that payment to
original Author for Shareware, if used beyond the trial period, is required.
Note also that MUCH MORE will again be available. JCS Marketing, Inc.
will re-master the next Retail Edition in March, 1994. We continue
to collect Shareware from our Consigning Authors daily, in preparation
for our next issue. See your dealer where you obtained this CD-ROM
for the next issue, or contact JCS Marketing, Inc. if your dealer does
not supply you.
JCS Marketing, Inc. also produces a "Subscription" issue CD-ROM three
times per year, in March, July, and September. The contents of
the "Subscription" issues do not vary substantially from the
"Retail" version, except for a few Author's programs which, because
of prior royalty agreements, cannot be sold "Retail". JCS Marketing,
Inc. may produce other products from time to time, and we would be happy
to inform you of those products if you send your mailing address to:
JCS Marketing, Inc.
P.O. Box 1216
Lakeville, MN 55044
Telephone & Fax: (612) 469-5898
We would be happy to hear from you with suggestions, comments, and
improvements. We constantly try to improve our product, and would
welcome your input.
Note: JCS Marketing, Inc. supplies CD-ROMS to each of our Authors,
at no cost to them, providing they have sent us updates, or at least
verified that their program(s) are still current that period. In this
way, we attempt to have available as many quality shareware programs
as possible by making it worthwhile to have the Authors stay in constant
contact with us, and to supply us copies of updates and new programs. The
users of our service may be assured that they have current addresses
to register their choices with the original Author. If you have a favorite
program not yet contained in our collection, please send us the Author's
name and address and we will contact the Author for a consignment.